Review: Hello Kitty Mobile Phone Emergency Charger

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Review: Hello Kitty Mobile Phone Emergency Charger


Deep inside every grunting, smelly, chest pounding man there exists a kitty who occasionally comes out to say Hello! My Hello Kitty fetish goes back, way back, to the days when my bed had Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles sheets. Elementary School was not an institution for learning, but an 8 hour strut on the cat walk for you to show off how many things you can possibly own with your favorite logo or cartoon character painted on.

Your Trapper Keeper had to match your book bag which had to match your shoes which had to match your shirt. Power Rangers one month, Ren and Stimpy the other, back then I had a sense of style so developed the ladies were practically buying me chocolate milk.

There was one click you couldn't mess with and that was the Asian girls with their Hello Kitty everything. The Kitty itself didn't represent anything, but the sheer fact that the brand was attached to so many objects, things I wouldn't even think about branding, made me sit down with my juice box and ponder at what new things could I stumble upon with that damn cat somewhere on the product.

As luck would have it a friend of mine went to Taiwan to celebrate the Chinese New Year with her family. I asked her nicely to get me something, anything Hello Kitty related.

She got me a phone charger.

Here is the front of the box, Kitty removed:


The back:


Inside there is a pouch that holds Kitty along with 3 cables, all having mini USB on one end and the plug on the other side being: Nokia, Sony Ericsson, mini USB:


Here is the Kitty itself:


Where do you plug the mini USB cable? On the side of her head of course, quite disturbing:


Kitty is powered by 2 AAA batteries, which you can find at just about any shop, really handy if your phone died and you need to top it up:


The feet that detach are hard to put back on with just your bare hands, you'll need a blunt flat object, like a business card, to push the batteries down a millimeter or two for the feet to reattach. Here is Kitty charging my N95:


Notice her face? Her cheeks light up! Here is a close up:


How well does it work? If your phone is dead, and I've used this on my N82, you'll be able to get 2 bars of battery from 2 AAA batteries. Not a lot, but enough to make that emergency phone call or check up on that important email. Next week I'll be reviewing the Pro Porta Travel Survival Kit which has saved my butt more times than I care to count.

Thanks Carol.

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